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Melbourne Brain Genome Project

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Reference genes

An example of the RefSeq accession number format required for reference gene files :

Reference gene files retrieve information on the RefSeq data, the NCBI database of curated, non-redundant reference sequences. You can mention them in your papers or find cheap ghostwriters for hire and let them do the work.

The results consist of the following columns (where data is available):

•Locus type : description of the type of locus, e.g. gene with protein product, function known or inferred

•Status : the type of reference sequence record. Either:
PROVISIONAL: generated automatically from an existing GenBank record and information stored in the LocusLink database; no curation.
REVIEWED: generated from the most representative, complete GenBank sequence or merge of GenBank sequences and from information stored in the LocusLink database.
PREDICTED: mRNA from a large-scale sequencing project the CDS has been predicted from the nucleotide sequence, but usually has not been verified.
MODEL: a model based on NCBI's genomic sequence assembly.

•Accession number : the RefSeq accession for a mRNA record.

•Product: the name of the product of this transcript.

•Official symbol : the symbol used for gene reports.

•Offical gene name : the gene description used for gene reports.

•Summary : a summary description of the gene, its products, its significance, and mutant phenotypes.

•Chromosome : the chromosome assignment

•Unigene : the cluster id(s) associated with this gene

•Homologene : a link to the NCBI homologene data.

•Mgd : a link to the Mouse Genome Informatics data.

•Genecards : a link to genecards.

•Pubmed : a subset of associated publications.

Last modified on the 18th September 2002.
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