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Melbourne Brain Genome Project
Publications Where the journal is available online, the links are to the pdfs and will be successful only if your institution has a subscription to that journal. For more instructions you can reach Selected MBGP group publications Gunnersen, J.M., Augustine, C., Spirkoska, V., Kim, M., Brown, M., and Tan, S-S. (2002). Global analysis of gene expression patterns in developing mouse neocortex using Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE). Mol. Cell Neurosci. 19:560-573. [PubMed] Heng, J.I.T. and Tan, S-S (2002). Cloning and characterisation of GRIPE, a novel interacting partner of the transcription factor E12 in developing mouse forebrain. J. Biol. Chem. (accepted 27/8/2002) Kim, M.H., Gunnersen, J., Augustine, C. and Tan, S-S. (2002). Region-specific expression of the helix-loop-helix gene BETA3 in developing and adult brains. Mech. Dev. 114:125-128. [PubMed] Kim, M.H., Gunnersen, J.M. and Tan, S-S (2002) Localised expression of the seizure-related gene SEZ-6 in developing and adult forebrains. Mech. Dev. 118:171-174. [PubMed] Sang, Q., Wu, J., Rao, Y., Hsueh, Y-P. and Tan, S-S (2002). Slit promotes branching and elongation of neurites of interneurons but not projection neurons from the developing telencephalon. Mol. Cell Neurosci. (accepted 29/4/2002) Tan, S-S (2002). Cortical Liars (Nature News & Views article). Nature 417:605-606 Tan, S-S., Gunnersen, J. and Job, C. (2002). Global gene expression analysis of developing neocortex using SAGE. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 46:653-660 Augustine, C., Gunnersen, J., Spirkoska, V. and Tan, S-S. (2001). Place and time-dependent expression of mouse sFRP-1 during development of the cerebral neocortex. Mech. Dev. 109:395-397 Antonarakis S.E., Lyle R., Chrast R., Scott H.S. (2001). Differential gene expression studies to explore the molecular pathophysiology of Down syndrome. Brain Res Brain Res Rev. Oct;36(2-3):265-74. Hammond V., Howell B., Godinho L., Tan S-S. (2001) disabled-1 functions cell autonomously during radial migration and cortical layering of pyramidal neurons. J Neurosci. Nov 15;21(22):8798-808. Scott HS, Chrast R. (2001). Global transcript expression profiling by Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE). Genet Eng (N Y). 23:201-19. [PubMed] Chrast R., Scott H.S., Papasavvas M.P., Rossier C., Antonarakis E.S., Barras C., Davisson M.T., Schmidt C., Estivill X., Dierssen M., Pritchard M., Antonarakis S.E. (2000) The mouse brain transcriptome by SAGE: differences in gene expression between P30 brains of the partial trisomy 16 mouse model of Down syndrome (Ts65Dn) and normals. Genome Res. Dec;10(12):2006-21. Gunnersen J.M., Spirkoska V., Smith P.E., Danks R.A., Tan S-S. (2000). Growth and migration markers of rat C6 glioma cells identified by serial analysis of gene expression. Glia Nov;32(2):146-54. Tan S-S, Kalloniatis M., Sturm K., Tam P.P.L., Reese B.E., Faulkner-Jones B.E. (1998). Separate Progenitors for Radial and Tangential Cell Dispersion during Development of the Cerebral Neocortex. Neuron, Vol. 21, 295–304, August.
2001 - 2000 - 1999 - 1998 - 1997 - 1996 - 1995 - pre1995 Rietze R.L., Valcanis H., Brooker G.F., Thomas T., Voss A.K. & Bartlett P.F. (2001). Purification of a pluripotent neural stem cell from the adult mouse brain. Nature Aug 16;412(6848):736-9. Baxter L.L., Moran T.H., Richtsmeier J.T., Troncoso J. & Reeves R.H. (2000). Discovery and genetic localization of Down syndrome cerebellar phenotypes using the Ts65Dn mouse. Hum. Mol. Genet. 9: 195-202. Blackshaw S., Cepko C.L. (2000). SAGE 2000 Conference, Baltimore Maryland, September 18-20 Caron H, van Schaik B, van der Mee M et al. (2000) SAGE 2000 Conference, Baltimore Maryland, September 18-20 Coulson E.J., Reid K., Baca M., Shipham K.A., Hulett S.M., Kilpatrick T.J. & Bartlett P.F. (2000). Chopper, a new death domain of the p75 neurotrophin receptor that mediates rapid neuronal cell death. J Biol Chem. Sep 29; 275(39):30537-45. Fougerousse F., Bullen P., Herasse M., Lindsay S., Richard I., Wilson D., Suel L., Durand M., Robson S., Abitbol M., Beckmann J.S. & Strachan T. (2000). Human–mouse differences in the embryonic expression patterns of developmental control genes and disease genes. Hum. Mol. Genet. 9: 165-173. Ishii M., Hashimoto S., Tsutsumi S., Wada Y., Matsushima K., Kodama T. & Aburatani H. (2000). Direct Comparison of GeneChip and SAGE on the Quantitative Accuracy in Transcript Profiling Analysis. Genomics 68, 136-143. Kurt M.A., Davies D.C., Kidd M., Dierssen M. & Florez J. (2000). Synaptic deficit in the temporal cortex of partial trisomy 16 (Ts65Dn) mice. Brain Res. Mar 6;858(1):191-7. Lash A.E., Tolstoshev C.M., Wagner L., Schuler G.D., Strausberg R.L., Riggins G.J. & Altschul S.F. (2000). SAGEmap: A Public Gene Expression Resource. Genome Res. 10: 1051-1060. Masliah E., Rockenstein E., Veinbergs I., Mallory M., Hashimoto M., Takeda A., Sagara Y., Sisk A. & Mucke L. (2000). Dopaminergic Loss and Inclusion Body Formation in [alpha ] -Synuclein Mice: Implications for Neurodegenerative Disorders. Science February 18; 287: 1265-1269. Ross D.T., Scherf U., Eisen M.B., Perou C.M., Rees C., Spellman P., Iyer V., Jeffrey S.S., Van de Rijn M., Waltham M., Pergamenschikov A., Lee J.C.F., Lashkari D., Shalon D., Myers T.G., Weinstein J.N., Botstein D. & Brown P.O. (2000). Systematic variation in gene expression patterns in human cancer cell lines. Nature Genetics 24, 227 - 235. Sago H., Carlson E.J., Smith D.J., Rubin E.M., Crnic L.S., Huang T.T. & Epstein C.J. (2000). Genetic dissection of region associated with behavioral abnormalities in mouse models for Down syndrome. Pediatr Res. 2000 Nov;48(5):606-13. St Croix B., Rago C., Velculescu V., Traverso G., Romans K.E., Montgomery E., Lal A., Riggins, G.J., Lengauer C., Vogelstein, B. & Kinzler K.W. (2000). Genes expressed in human tumor endothelium. Science Aug 18;289(5482):1197-202. Turmaine M., Raza A., Mahal A., Mangiarini L., Bates G.P. & Davies S.W. (2000). Nonapoptotic neurodegeneration in a transgenic mouse model of Huntington's disease. PNAS 97: 8093-8097. van der Putten H., Wiederhold K.H., Probst A., Barbieri S., Mistl C., Danner S., Kauffmann S., Hofele K., Spooren W.P., Ruegg M.A., Lin S., Caroni P., Sommer B., Tolnay M. & Bilbe G. (2000). Neuropathology in mice expressing human alpha-synuclein. J Neurosci. Aug 15;20(16):6021-9. Coulson E.J., Reid K. & Bartlett P.F. (1999). Signaling of neuronal cell death by the p75NTR neurotrophin receptor. Mol Neurobiol Aug, 20(1): 29-44. [PubMed] Eisen M.B. & Brown P.O. (1999). DNA arrays for analysis of gene expression. Methods Enzymol. 303:179-205. [PubMed] Goedert M. & Hasegawa M. (1999). The tauopathies: toward an experimental animal model. Am J Pathol. Jan;154(1):1-6. Hernandez D. & Fisher E.M. (1999). Mouse autosomal trisomy: two's company, three's a crowd. Trends Genet. Jun;15(6):241-7. Martinez-Cue C., Baamonde C., Lumbreras M.A., Vallina I.F., Dierssen M., Florez J. (1999). A murine model for Down syndrome shows reduced responsiveness to pain. Neuroreport. Apr 6;10(5):1119-22. Nacht M., Ferguson A.T., Zhang W., Petroziello J.M., Cook B.P., Gao Y.H., Maguire S., Riley D., Coppola G., Landes G.M., Madden S.L. & Sukumar S. (1999). Combining serial analysis of gene expression and array technologies to identify genes differentially expressed in breast cancer. Cancer Res. Nov 1;59(21):5464-70. Rice D.S. & Curran T. (1999). Mutant mice with scrambled brains: understanding the signaling pathways that control cell positioning in the CNS. Genes Dev. 1999 13: 2758-2773. Victor E Velculescu, V.E., Madden, S.L., Zhang, L., Lash, A.E., Yu, J., Rago, C., Lal, A., Wang, C.F., Beaudry, G.A., Ciriello, K.M., Cook, B.C., Dufault, M.R., Ferguson, A.T., Gao, Y., He, T-C., Hermeking, H., Hiraldo, S.K., Hwang, P.M., Lopez, M.A., Luderer, H.F., Mathews, B., Petroziello, J.M., Polyak, K., Zawel1, L., Zhang, W., Zhang, X., Zhou, W., Haluska, F.G., Jen, J., Sukumar, S., Landes, G.M., Riggins, G.J., Vogelstein, B. and Kinzler, K.W. (1999). Analysis of human transcriptomes Nature Genetics 23, (4), 387 - 388. Escorihuela R.M., Vallina I.F., Martinez-Cue C., Baamonde C., Dierssen M., Tobena A., Florez J. & Fernandez-Teruel A. (1998). Impaired short- and long-term memory in Ts65Dn mice, a model for Down syndrome. Neurosci Lett. May 15;247(2-3):171-4. [PubMed] He T.C., Sparks A.B., Rago C., Hermeking H., Zawel L., da Costa L.T., Morin P.J., Vogelstein B., Kinzler K.W. (1998). Identification of c-MYC as a Target of the APC Pathway Science September 4; 281: 1509-1512. Holcomb L., Gordon M.N., McGowan E., Yu X., Benkovic S., Jantzen P., Wright K., Saad I., Mueller R., Morgan D., Sanders S., Zehr C., O'Campo K., Hardy J., Prada C.M., Eckman C., Younkin S., Hsiao K. & Duff K. (1998). Accelerated Alzheimer-type phenotype in transgenic mice carrying both mutant amyloid precursor protein and presenilin 1 transgenes. Nat Med. Jan;4(1):97-100. [PubMed] Insausti A.M., Megias M., Crespo D., Cruz-Orive L.M., Dierssen M., Vallina I.F., Insausti R. & Florez J. (1998). Hippocampal volume and neuronal number in Ts65Dn mice: a murine model of Down syndrome. Neurosci Lett. Sep 11;253(3):175-8. Prusiner S.B. (1998). Prions. PNAS 95, 13363-13383. Sago H., Carlson E.J., Smith D.J., Kilbridge J., Rubin E.M., Mobley W.C., Epstein C.J. & Huang T.T. (1998). Ts1Cje, a partial trisomy 16 mouse model for Down syndrome, exhibits learning and behavioral abnormalities. PNAS 95: 6256-6261. Dal Canto M.C. & Gurney M.E. (1997). A low expressor line of transgenic mice carrying a mutant human Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) gene develops pathological changes that most closely resemble those in human amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Acta Neuropathol (Berl). Jun;93(6):537-50. [PubMed] Dierssen M., Vallina I.F., Baamonde C., Garcia-Calatuyud S., Lumbreras M.A, & Florez J. (1997). Alterations of central noradrenergic transmission in Ts65Dn mouse, a model for Down syndrome. Brain Res. Feb 28;749(2):238-44. Polyak K., Xia Y., Zweier J.L., Kinzler K.W., Vogelstein B. (1997). A model for p53-induced apoptosis. Nature 389, 300-305. Holtzman D.M., Santucci D., Kilbridge J., Chua-Couzens J., Fontana D.J., Daniels S.E., Johnson R.M., Chen K., Sun Y., Carlson E., Alleva E., Epstein C.J. & Mobley W.C. (1996). Developmental abnormalities and age-related neurodegeneration in a mouse model of Down syndrome. PNAS 93, 13333-13338. Lockhart D.J., Dong H., Byrne M.C., Follettie M.T., Gallo M.V., Chee M.S., Mittmann M., Wang C., Kobayashi M., Horton H. & Brown E.L. (1996). Expression monitoring by hybridization to high-density oligonucleotide arrays. Nat Biotechnol Dec; 14(13): 1675-80. [PubMed] Epstein CJ (1995) In: The metabolic and molecular bases of inherited disease. Scriver CR, Beaudet AL, Sly WS, Valle D eds. McGraw-Hill, New York. p749 Reeves R.H., Irving N.G., Moran T.H., Wohn A., Kitt C., Sisodia S.S., Schmidt C., Bronson R.T., Davisson M.T. (1995). A mouse model for Down syndrome exhibits learning and behaviour deficits. Nat Genet. Oct;11(2):177-84. [PubMed] Schena M., Shalon D., Davis R.W. & Brown P.O. (1995) Quantitative Monitoring of Gene Expression Patterns with a Complementary DNA Microarray. Science October 20; 270: 467-470. [PubMed] Velculescu V.E., Zhang L., Vogestein B. & Kinzler K.W. (1995) Serial Analysis of Gene Expression. Science October 20; 270: 484-487. [PubMed] Gurney M.E., Pu H., Chiu A.Y., Dal Canto M.C., Polchow C.Y., Alexander D.D., Caliendo J., Hentati A., Kwon Y.W., Deng H.X. (1994). Motor neuron degeneration in mice that express a human Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase mutation. Science. Jun 17;264(5166):1772-5. [PubMed] Wisniewski K.E. (1990). Down syndrome children often have brain with maturation delay, retardation of growth, and cortical dysgenesis. Am J Med Genet Suppl. 1990;7:274-81. [PubMed] |
Last modified on the 26th April 2002. |