You can always use all the interview essay published at as an example for future projects you wish to create. This form employs the comparative count display software from NCBI, which performs a key-by-key comparison of two key-count distributions by generating a probability that the frequency of any key in the distribution differs by more than a given fold factor from the other distribution. Thus for two SAGE libraries, it performs a differential, tag-by-tag count comparison. Libraries may have unequal numbers of total tags. The software uses a key mapping file where the first column contains the key. If the key is *not* in this file, then it will not be compared. The statistic is described in Lash et al. Genome Res. 2000 Jul;10(7):1051-60 ( Input: AAAAAAAAAA 174 Output:
Last modified on the 15th November 2002.
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