SAMPLE=GSM2415 !Sample_status = Public on Sep 5 2002 !Sample_title = SAGE_P23_cerebellum !Sample_type = sage !Sample_anchor = NlaIII !Sample_organism = Mus musculus !Sample_target_source = P23 C57BL6/J mouse cerebellum !Sample_tag_count = 19436 !Sample_description = C57BL6/J mice (1 male, 1 female) were sacrificed and the cerebella were quickly removed. Total RNA was isolated using Trizol. For the creation of the library, 40 micrograms of total RNA was used. cDNA was synthesized on oligo dT beads. !Sample_description = Enzyme: NlaIII !Sample_description = Vector: pZErO-1 !Sample_description = Restriction Site 1: Sph1 !Sample_description = Restriction Site 2: Sph1 !Sample_description = Library treatment: non-normalized !Sample_author = Julie,A,Besco !Sample_author = Adrienne,,Frostholm !Sample_author = Andrej,,Rotter !Sample_submission_date = Sep 4 2002 !Sample_submitter_name = Julie,,Besco !Sample_submitter_email = !Sample_submitter_institute = The Ohio State University !Sample_submitter_laboratory = Andrej Rotter !Sample_submitter_department = Pharmacology !Sample_submitter_city = Columbus,OH,43210,USA !Sample_submitter_phone = 614-292-7747 !Sample_submitter_web_link = !Sample_platform_id = GPL11 #TAG = SAGE tag sequence LINK_PRE:"" #COUNT = number of times tag was present in library